Happy Chinese New Year 2020 – The Year of The Rat

A great reason for celebrations on 25th January – the Chinese New Year of the Rat! This could bring new opportunities for finding true love, and earning more money in 2020 – it’s going to be a successful year so why not find a pub near you and raise a glass to the great year ahead. We have put together a list of pubs named after this extraordinary yet much maligned creature and who knows? Buying a pint in one of these outlets may add to your good fortune – you just don’t know who you might meet….


According to Chinese tradition, this year is going to be a strong, prosperous, and lucky year for almost all Chinese zodiac signs.

Everyone will show determination regarding their goals, aspirations, and even their hobbies. A great year for founding and evolving and those who plan to buy property, to start a business or to invest money in a long-term project have great chances of being satisfied in the future. But, beware! This type of initiatives will only be successful if they are carefully planned.

The Chinese New Year is celebrated every year through sumptuous and colorful festivities. It is the most important celebration, an occasion for familiar reunion, party and two weeks long winter holiday – and possibly a visit to the pub?